Wednesday, October 20, 2010

el 20 de octubre - Chiste - César

(Why did Caesar always go with sandals?........ because he was Julius!)

This joke is a play on words that could mean "He was Julius" or "It was July".  Both could be translated from the phrase "era julio" thus the sandals.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

el 13 de octubre - Chiste # 6

(It has the face of a cat, and it's not a cat.  It has the tail of a cat and it's not a cat. 
It has the paw of a cat and it's not a cat.  What is it?..........  A (female) cat!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

el 12 de octubre - Refrán 4

Literal Translation: A bird in the hand is worth more than 100 flying
English Version:  A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Meaning: It's better to be happy with what you have instead of what you don't.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

el 6 de octubre - Chiste 5

(Which is the country that first laughs and later explodes?.... Japan!)
  • "Ja" is the sound of laughter in Spanish since the J is pronounced like an English H. 
  • "Pon" sounds kind of like an explosion

Monday, October 4, 2010